Cattle Depot Theatre Season - Spring 2006 Johnny Walker & The Tree of Actions Named K


Johnny Walker


Cattle Depot Theatre

This performance is an extension of Poon Wai-sum’s work "The Massage King", designed to prove that what he writes is not absurd drama. Poon has demonstrated his techniques of "fragmented chapters" and "incomplete sentences", which are meticulously structured and emotionally provocative, so much so that even the punctuation could evoke tears.

Director & Playwright: Poon Wai-sum

The Tree of Actions Named K


Cattle Depot Theatre

Three women find themselves imprisoned in a pristine, white room, not knowing why or when it started. Unlike traditional prisons, their every desire is met, making it feel less like punishment and more like indulgence. They gradually forget their original purpose as they live in comfort. The place is called by some the "Tree of Actions", though no one has actually seen this mysterious tree. Forced to write in diaries for years, one woman never realises that her paper is made from the leaves of this tree, thinking only of finishing her stack by tomorrow at 5:30 PM, which might be her time to leave. Yet as evening falls, they begin to cherish their nightly games...

Concept & Director: Pang Ka-wing

Date: 1-2/4/2006

Venue: Cattle Depot Theatre