[Table To-gather] With Love, Medea’s Boys (Work-in-progress)
Co-directed and co-written by Miu Law and Sham Chung-tat, With Love, Medea’s Boys (Work-in-progress) is a modern take on Greek classical tragedy Medea. Starring both child and adult actors, this reinterpretation puts the spotlight on Medea's sons and their struggle for affection and morality.
Designed as a collaborative devised theatre production, the performance also features game and interactive elements involving the audience members. They are invited to immerse in a world where they can temporarily suspend conventional adult thinking and reconnect with the wisdom they had as a child as they delve into the struggles and choices in life.
This event marks the first phase of the research and development of the project. A full-scale presentation is scheduled to take place in 2024. This programme is co-presented and co-produced by WestK and On & On Theatre Workshop.
Date: 12-20/8/2023
Venue: The Room, Freespace, WestK
Creator and Scriptwriter: Miu Law
Creator, Scriptwriter and Sound Designer: Sham Chung-tat
Dramaturg: Loui Yuen
Child Actor Creativity Coach: Tam Yuk-ting
photo: Hong Yin-pok, Eric.